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I’m Danielle Wrobleski, a photographer based in the Midwest. I specialize in film photographic processes spanning over a century of techniques and mediums. My photographic work focuses on capturing the beauty of every day life found in the neighborhoods, cities, nature, and landscapes all around us.
I took up photography in 2018, completely by accident. One day while searching for treasure at my locaI thrift store, I stumbled across a pristine Canon AE-1. I had been looking for a new hobby to dedicate my time to. Upon finding that camera, I thought what the hell. I had never practiced photography before, had only ever owned point and shoot cameras, and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Since then, I have amassed a collection of approximately 50 cameras from 35mm up to 4x5, and each and every one holds a special place in my heart. Photography has become my main art form, and has shaped the way I view life and our world.